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35% Direct Benefits

  1. Employee Settlement for Completed Tasks (3%)

    Based on interviews with employers, it was calculated that nearly 50% of drivers use company vehicles for private purposes. This primarily pertains to passenger cars (personal travels), delivery vehicles, trucks, and sometimes even construction machinery (fulfilling "off-the-books" orders). Moreover, drivers often opt for routes that are convenient for them yet not necessarily the most cost-effective.
    To prevent inefficiencies in specialized machinery, there's an option to connect special sensors that monitor elements such as an excavator's shovel, the operation of a unit, the lowering of a plow, or the functioning of a Webasto heater. This provides a reliable source of information about the actual efficiency of our vehicles and drivers.
    Furthermore, EMTRACK devices allow driver identification using iButton (Dallas) tokens, RFID cards (13.25MHz and 125kHz), or digital tachograph cards. This means every event in the system, like fuel cap opening, refueling, GPS jamming, speeding, and many others, is attributed to the corresponding driver, presented in reports, and stored in the system.
    The EMTRACK system also offers summary reports of vehicle and driver operations over a given period. It's a perfect tool to compare how many kilometers each vehicle covered, how long it was idle, engine operational time, fuel consumption, and the average. This provides an ideal tool for rewarding employees for efficient work and detecting inefficient use of vehicles or equipment.
    Based on vehicle mileage comparisons, it was calculated that in company vehicles equipped with GPS monitoring, the average monthly mileage decreased by about 5%. For an average fleet of 15 vehicles, this results in almost 3% savings, equating to 27,000 PLN over a year.

  2. Monitoring Vehicle Utilization Economy (17%)

    There's a belief among some employees that the most durable car is a company car. Drivers, knowing they don't bear the costs of fuel, vehicle repairs, or responsibility for potential damages, tend to use the vehicles intensively. Improper driving habits, especially aggressive driving, significantly increase fuel consumption and vehicle wear.
    - The EMTRACK system offers the Eco-driving module, which monitors parameters like:
    - Driving time, idling time, engine operational time, and engine idling time
    - Duration of driving above a set RPM limit, beyond a set speed, and within an optimal RPM range
    - Fuel consumed, average fuel consumption, and fuel consumed during idling
    - Sudden maneuvers (accelerations, braking, turns)
    - Braking efficiency (ratio of engine braking to pedal braking) and the number of brakes applied
    - The number of times the accelerator is fully pressed and the duration of driving with the accelerator fully engaged.
    - Driving time on cruise control

    Taking these elements into account, an 'eco-index' is calculated. This is a percentage value that informs how economically the vehicle was used (0% represents poor vehicle use, while 100% signifies optimal vehicle use). 
    In addition to the report summarizing the vehicle's usage by the driver, information on the eco-index calculated from the last 24 hours of data is also available. This allows for real-time monitoring of vehicle usage and timely interventions, thereby preventing unnecessary costs. 
    Those wishing to respond immediately to reckless driving can enable speed limit breach notifications, where each recorded incident is logged in the system, and the user is informed via SMS or e-mail.Company vehicles are handed over to various drivers. The more drivers, the more challenging it can be to assess their skills in practice. Some may need more qualifications for effective driving, while others might need more confidence in their abilities, leading them to disregard traffic rules often. Improper driving, especially aggressive driving, significantly increases fuel consumption and overall vehicle wear, raising maintenance costs. These costs include frequent replacements of brake pads, suspension, and even turbochargers. The latter can be cumbersome on a vehicle owner's wallet. In a customarily operated vehicle, a turbocharger needs replacement or regeneration every 200,000 kilometers, whereas high rev driving, driving with cold oil, and shutting off a hot engine can reduce its lifespan by up to twenty times! Eliminating these costs for an average fleet of 15 vehicles results in savings of over 166,000 PLN annually. 

  3. Fuel Control (4%)

    Approximately 50% of fleet maintenance costs are fuel-related. The EMTRACK system, integrated with the CAN bus and fuel probes, allows for a comprehensive analysis of fuel consumption and detection of refueling and drains. An analysis module is available so we can receive an alert and respond to a potential anomaly immediately upon detecting a drain. 
    The EMTRACK GPS monitoring system, combined with a vehicle's electronics, allows for real-time control of fuel consumption and levels. Both the fuel in the tank and the fuel injected by the controller are monitored. Moreover, monitoring fuel levels also detects fuel losses due to malfunctions, leaks, or inefficient vehicle operation. According to statistics, fuel thefts by company vehicle users account for an average of 5% of the company's total fuel budget, which, in our sample fleet of 15 vehicles, translates to savings of about 2.5% or roughly 24,000 PLN annually. 
    Unnecessary fuel consumption also occurs in vehicle idling, which can use up to one liter of fuel per hour. While this may seem insignificant, in a large fleet, it results in significant costs, which can be reduced by optimization using GPS. On average, a vehicle consumes about 2.5% of its total fuel while idling (traffic jams, lights, stopping with the engine running, warming up the driver's cabin, etc.). Leaving the engine running during longer stops can raise this percentage to 6%. Monitoring this parameter in the EMTRACK application will help avoid unnecessary costs of burned fuel.
    For our example fleet of 15 vehicles, this will generate savings of over 1.5%, which amounts to nearly 17,000 PLN in savings annually.To further enhance protection, EMTRACK also offers accessories that improve fuel monitoring, such as electronic caps that send notifications every time the fuel cap is opened or closed, seals for fuel hose connectors, seals preventing the removal of the float, and many others.

  4. Reducing Fleet Management Time (3%)

    The EMTRACK app is constantly optimized for quick access to vital information, intuitiveness, and ease of use. The technologies used in its creation have resulted in faster overall performance, instantaneous report generation, and quick visualization of routes taken by several objects simultaneously.
    Modules facilitate our clients' work: 
    - instant notifications when a vehicle leaves or reaches its destination,
    - a mobile app allowing rapid access to fleet status and quick job checks,
    - a task module reminding of activities such as insurance renewal, service checks, technical examinations, tachograph data retrieval, and other time or mileage-specific tasks,
    - automatic report generation e-mailed with a summary of selected vehicles' activities during a specified period,
    - an intelligent search function allowing users to generate favorite reports or movement histories of selected vehicles with just two clicks,
    - a country stay report summarizing stay duration, driving, stops, covered distance, and fuel consumed in the countries vehicles traveled through – perfect for MiLoG Act settlements,
    - online traffic jam visualization helps direct drivers via less crowded routes, thus saving time.

    Based on feedback from our clients, it's been calculated that EMTRACK can save up to 60% of the time required for a dispatcher's daily tasks compared to competing systems. As a result, one dispatcher role can handle 60% more vehicles, reducing the maintenance costs for an example fleet of 15 vehicles by nearly 3%, which translates to almost 26,000 PLN in savings annually.

  5. Driver Working Time Monitoring and Remote Tachograph Data Retrieval (1%)

    One of the most severe penalties for carriers results from violating driver working time regulations. The EMTRACK app allows monitoring of the current working status of the driver and calculates the time remaining for mandatory breaks, be it 45 minutes, daily, or weekly. It also presents additional information to handle exceptions, such as splitting the 45-minute rest into two parts, shortened daily rests, extended daily driving times, or reduced weekly downtime with compensation. The automation of this module means that the control of the driver's working time is virtually maintenance-free.
    It's estimated that monitoring a driver's working hours can eliminate up to 70% of regulation breaches. For a fleet of 15 vehicles, this translates to a 0.5% savings, equating to over 4,000 PLN annually.
    Furthermore, the EMTRACK system allows for remote reading and data retrieval from the driver's card and the built-in tachograph memory. This eliminates the time needed for a manual visit to the vehicle with a data reader and the necessity of physically possessing the driver's card. This tool cuts costs by another nearly 0.5%, yielding over 3,000 PLN in annual savings for a typical fleet of 15 vehicles.

  6. 100% VAT Deduction and Cheaper Insurance (7%)

    Thanks to dedicated reports documenting the use of company vehicles, maintaining and storing documentation that allows for 100% VAT deduction from company car maintenance costs becomes feasible. Deducting 100% VAT can result in savings of 6.5%, bringing over 62,000 PLN in annual savings for a fleet of 15 vehicles.
    In the insurance market, there's been a longstanding, aggressive competition for clients. Insurance companies try to appeal to drivers with various offers, including discounts on comprehensive coverage or additional promotional bonuses. One proven method to obtain an extended insurance discount is installing a GPS locator in the vehicle. This discount ranges from 10% to 25% and can bring about 6,000 PLN in yearly savings for a fleet of 15 vehicles, reducing maintenance costs by roughly 0.5%.

Indirect Benefits

  1. Monitoring Specific Anomalies

    Every company has its unique needs for vehicle operation monitoring. Some companies require information on an excavator's engine running too long, others on the operation of an excavator's arm, some on refueling outside specified locations, and yet others on vehicles moving during prohibited hours. The possibilities are vast, and for this reason, the EMTRACK event detection module was created. Users can set up any configuration to observe selected vehicle parameters its location, and considering time conditions.
    Examples of such configurations include:
    - vehicle movement on Saturdays outside the hours of 7:00-17:00 and all day Sunday,
    - refueling outside the base,
    - revolutions exceeding 2500 with engine temperature below 50 degrees Celsius,
    - moving at speeds over 40 km/h with seatbelts unfastened,
    - battery disconnection outside the base,
    - driving with the handbrake engaged,
    - a vehicle left unlocked for more than 30 minutes,
    - eco-index drop in the last 24 hours below 70%,
    - braking system failure.
    Thanks to such a powerful fleet monitoring tool, our users can reap benefits and maintain quality while reducing costs in their way.

  2. Comfort and Sense of Security for Yourself and Employees.

    Our devices come with built-in modules that detect road collisions, enabling immediate response in case of such an event. Sometimes, mere seconds can be the difference between life and death, so the ability to act instantly is invaluable. Beyond the most significant benefit – health – the employer minimizes the risk of incurring additional costs from damage settlements, not to mention the costs of employee absenteeism.
    Additionally, there's an option to further enhance a driver's sense of security by installing a panic button, which, when pressed, triggers an alarm notifying the employer of potential danger. Ensuring the safety of both the driver and the cargo is yet another priceless advantage for the entire company.
    The EMTRACK system promptly alerts about anomalies such as battery discharge or disconnection – potentially preventing downtimes caused by the inability to use the vehicle when most needed – or attempts to interfere with the GPS signal in case of theft or private use of the vehicle.
    Moreover, our clients can rest easy and not worry about their cargo, thanks to additional sensors detecting the opening of the cargo space or electronic seals that, when breached, are instantly recorded and alarmed by the system. If cargo is transported in a refrigerator unit, there's an option to monitor its temperature and raise an alarm if it falls outside a designated range.

  3. Vehicle Theft Prevention

    One of the added benefits of the monitoring system is the enhanced protection against vehicle theft. Our range includes devices that authorize drivers to use a Dallas key, proximity card, or wireless transmitter. Additionally, the system alerts the user when a vehicle is being towed or leaves a predefined area. In the event of an attempted theft that results in device power loss or GPS signal interference, the EMTRACK system will also trigger the appropriate alarm.

  4. Boosting Credibility with Clients

    Companies providing delivery or transport services place great emphasis on service quality and maintaining good relations with their customers. Studies indicate that 68% of client switchovers to competitors are due to poor customer service and 14% because of service quality1. 94.9% of respondents2 mentioned that the most significant benefits from building lasting client relationships stem from reliability and enhanced communication with the customer.
    To facilitate this, EMTRACK offers features such as sending reports to a specified e-mail, allowing periodic vehicle location sharing with another user, or setting up additional access accounts for their clients. With such functionalities, one can quickly and conveniently share a report on a completed route temperature in the refrigeration unit or provide a constant view of the cargo's whereabouts with the client.

  5. System Integration Enhances Company Operations.

    Information systems within a company are no longer a novelty. CRM systems, production systems, order placement systems, accounting systems, and so forth. They facilitate work, reduce operating costs, and streamline processes. The next step in improving a company and collaborating with partners is to ensure that these systems start interacting with each other (as well as with partners' systems). This combination of systems is referred to as integration.
    Integration offers benefits in the form of business process optimization by improving the exchange of information between existing systems, enhancing enterprise performance in customer contact management, software integration with business partner systems, and more efficient construction of various reporting and analytical systems. These systems provide a comprehensive view of the entire enterprise, ultimately resulting in continuous access to information contained within the integrated systems.
    The EMTRACK platform provides a rich integration API, enabling integrations ranging from a website where we want to display, for example, our vehicle's location, to Business Intelligence systems that incorporate vehicle report data. Integrated systems mean automated processes, which eliminate human error and speed up tasks, leading to reduced employee workload.

Competitive Advantage:

  1. System Automation

    We strive to make our system as user-friendly as possible. We've automated many repetitive processes and continue to work on others. Paradoxically, while we place great emphasis on the appearance and speed of our applications, we also endeavor to reduce the user's interaction with them. Our goal is for users to set up the application once and then have it notify the client of any anomalies and automatically provide needed information.

  2. Reliability and Continuous Development of Devices

    One of our core principles is device independence. Many GPS monitoring service providers manufacture their devices, which undoubtedly boosts company revenue. However, it can have certain limitations and disadvantages for the client. Technologies age quickly, and devices constantly need enhancement and development. It's challenging to be both a top-quality electronics manufacturer and a high-quality software producer simultaneously. That's why we've built a partner network of diverse device suppliers, allowing us to offer clients solutions tailored to their individual needs, of proven quality, and at an attractive price. We have implemented quality control procedures for supplied devices, and if the quality of a selected manufacturer drops, we remove them from our offer without any repercussions. Currently, we offer several types of devices from various suppliers, and this number is continually growing.
    Over the past year, our system was available 99.8% of the time. The remaining 0.2% accounts for downtimes caused by deploying a new version of the platform, about which we always inform our clients in advance. Our system has automatic testing procedures and monitoring systems for its stability. This ensures that any anomalies or potential problems are detected and addressed before they impact users.


  3. Continuous Development and Implementation

    We strive to implement "major" changes quarterly and, approximately once a month, introduce a package of more minor improvements to the application's operation. We eagerly listen to our clients and implement the solutions they suggest. We are aware that the application is for them, not the other way around.

  4. User-friendly helpdesk and swift support

    Our established procedures ensure rapid assistance for clients reaching out to our Technical Support. We always assist users in navigating the application and help them configure it according to their needs. Our average response time is 20 minutes, ensuring continuous work.

  5. Why EMTRACK?

    We asked our clients why they would recommend EMTRACK to their friends. The most common responses were:
    - the amount of time they save compared to using competitors' products,
    - the very high quality of Technical Support,
    - openness to change and improvement suggestions from clients,
    - improved efficiency of drivers and those responsible for fleet management,
    - increased market competitiveness due to realized savings.

Assumptions Adopted:

  1. Cost of maintaining a single VAN-type vehicle

    Fuel costs

    Net fuel price

    3,70 zł

    Average fuel consumption per 100km

    8 L

    Average monthly mileage

    9 000 km


    Liability insurance (annual)

    1 500 zł

    Comprehensive insurance (annual))

    1 500 zł

    Registration inspection (annual)

    100 zł

    Other commitments (annual)

    0 zł

    Operating costs

    Inspection interval

    30 000 km

    The average cost of one inspection

    600 zł

    Unforeseen expenses/repairs (annual)

    500 zł

    Average monetary fine (annual)

    400 zł

    Tire operation costs

    Cost of a set of summer tires

    1000 zł

    Lifespan of a set of summer tires

    100 000 zł

    Cost of a set of winter tires

    1 000 zł

    Lifespan of a set of winter tires

    60 000 zł

    IHow many months are winter tires used annually?

    5 m-cy

    Cost of spring and autumn tire change

    160 zł

    Vehicle depreciation

    Base vehicle value

    100 000 zł

    Annual vehicle value depreciation

    20 %

    Vehicle service costs

    Dispatcher's monthly salary

    3 800 zł

    Number of vehicles handled by the dispatcher


    Time to retrieve data from the driver's card

    30 min

    Time to retrieve data from the tachograph memory

    60 min

  2. Cost of maintaining a sample fleet of 15 vehicles

    Fleet maintenance costs

    Monthly vehicle maintenance cost

    5 386,59 zł

    Annual vehicle maintenance cost

    64 639,12 zł

    Cost per kilometer

    0,60 zł

    Monthly maintenance cost for a fleet of 15 vehicles

    80 798,90 zł

    Annual maintenance cost for a fleet of 15 vehicles

    969 586,78 zł

  3. Savings generated for a sample fleet of 15 vehicles

    Direct savings

    Reduction of mileage by 5%


    26 631,00 zł



    166 159,03 zł

    Reducing fuel consumption by 5%


    23 976,00 zł

    Avoiding fuel burning during stops


    16 783,20 zł

    Optimization of dispatcher's work


    25 650,00 zł

    Reduction of CPK-related penalties


    4 200,00 zł

    Accelerating tachograph data retrieval


    3 158,90 zł

    100% VAT deduction


    62 838,30 zł

    AC discounts


    5 625,00 zł



    326 030,43 zł